Go to https://app.intsuite.com and enter your email and your Intsuite password. Complete the login by clicking the ‘Login’ button.
Once logged in, you will be presented with your dashboard.
Notice the menu bar at the top that has the Intsuite Logo in the top left corner and your Account Selector immediately to the right. If you have access to more than one account, clicking your Account Selector will present a drop down menu allowing you to switch between accounts.
Looking further to the right of the Account Selector is your Dynamic Menu. The options available in this menu will change depending on your view and your permissions.
To the far right of the menu bar is your User Menu. It will display your user name when you are logged in and you can click this for a drop down menu where you can change your profile and settings.
Creating a Case
To create a case, click anywhere on the Accessible Cases panel which will take you to a list of all cases you have access to under the current account you have selected in the Account Selector in the previous step. If you have no cases already, then the list of cases will be empty. Click the New button at the top right.
You will then be able to enter basic details for your case. For now, enter a Case Title and a Case Reference Code. They can be anything you like. When you’re done, click Save.
Your view will then change back to your Case List view and you will see the case you have just created. For this tutorial, we have created a case with a title of Test Case and a Case Reference Code of TESTCASE001.
Congratulations. You have just created your first case in Intsuite. In the next steps we will open the case and begin to explore the Graph View.
Graph View
To the right of each case listed in the Case List, there are two buttons as shown in the screen shot in the previous step. Clicking on Edit will open the view where we created the Test Case and allow us to make changes to it. The other button, Open, will allow us to open and work on the case we created. Click the Open button now and you will be presented with the Graph View. It looks empty right now, because we have not added any information to our case yet.
The Case View is divided into 3 main sections – The Data Pallet, the Main View and the Meta Data Window.
On the left is the Data Pallet. For now you can see there is a tab Node Types and under each one is a list of available Node Types grouped logically to make them easy to find. You can expand and collapse each group using the up and down carrot to the right of group title.
Let’s add a suspect to our case. Drag and drop the Suspect Node Type (The red person icon) from the Data Pallet onto the Main View.
Great, now click on the newly created Suspect Node in our case Main View and the Meta Data Window will appear on the right of our view displaying all the data unique to a Suspect Node Type that we have added.
We can now populate the parts of the data that we know. We don’t have to populate all or even any of the data if we don’t know. We can add it later as our investigation bears more fruit. For now, we will simply update the Label, the Surname and the Sex fields as we will assume we know this about our new Suspect. When we make a change to any of the data in the Meta Data Window, the Save button will appear to the top right. Click the Save button to record the data change to our case. Changes we made to the Label field will now show up under our Suspect Node in the Main View. In our example case, we have added the Surname ‘Smith’, selected ‘Male’ under the Sex field and so we can see it and identify it easily in our Graph, we have changed the Label to ‘SMITH’. Clicking Save pushed all these updates to the case and we can see it now, reflected in our Main View.
Adding and Linking more Nodes
As our investigation progresses, we are likely to gather more and more information, often in a random order. That’s no problem as Intsuite was designed to help us gather information this way. Let’s say we now learn our Suspect knows another Suspect. We don’t know the second Suspect’s name or anything about them really, but we do have a covert image taken of our new Suspect. They are both Suspect’s in our case, so lets add our new Suspect but we will link the two together. Drag and drop another Suspect Node Type from the left hand Node Pallet ON TOP OF our existing Suspect ‘SMITH’. When you drop the new Suspect, Intsuite will know you want to link the two together and will create a link for you when you drop the new Suspect. It will look like this…
When we dropped the new Suspect Node on top of the existing Suspect Node ‘Smith’ a new node for our new Suspect was created AND a link between the two. If you dropped the new Suspect Node somewhere other than on top of the Suspect ‘SMITH’ that’s not a problem. We’ll show you how to link Nodes together afterwards.
For now, go ahead and drag any other Node Type onto our Main View and create anew Node in our case. For this tutorial, we have dragged a Car Node Type onto the main view. Now our case looks something like this…
Lets say BOTH of our suspects have been seen using this car and we want to link them both together with the car. Click the mouse on the Car node to select it. When it is selected, a Node gets a thicker blue circle around it and looks like this…
To select multiple Nodes, long click over a non selected node and it will also get a thicker blue highlight. Long Click over both of our Suspect Nodes so that all of our Nodes are then selected. We start with the Car Node because this is our main focus. Once we have selected more than one Node, a tool bar will appear at the top center of our Main View. The Link button is now displayed. Click the Link button and all the 2nd and subsequent selected Nodes (Suspect ‘SMITH’ and our unknown Suspect) will be linked to our first selected Node (Our Car Node).
Now our two Suspect’s are linked to our car.
Let’s say one of our investigators now has a couple of images of our car. We can add images (or any other file type) to any Node in our case. All we have to do is drag and drop the image from our PC file system on top of the Node we want to store the images with. Go ahead and drag any image (make sure it is less than 4mb) from your desktop onto the Car Node. We’ve used a demo vehicle image we grabbed from a quick Google search. We dragged and dropped it onto the Car Node. When we did that, the right hand Meta Data Window opened for our Car Node and the Files tab was automatically selected for us. We can now see the image of our car has ben added to this Car Node.
Let’s say our investigator wqas also able to get an image of the vehicle registration plate. We can drag and drop that image from our desktop onto the Car Node and it will be added to all the Node’s linked files.
You can see all files linked to a Node simply by selecting the Node in the Main View and in the Meta Data Window, selecting the Files tab at the top.
Removing Nodes and Links from our case
You can remove any Node or Link simply by clicking on it to select it. Once it is selected, press the ‘Delete’ key on your keyboard. Confirm that you want to delete it (and potentially linked files etc..) and it will be permanently removed from your case.
That’s the basics of creating a case, adding and removing Nodes and Files and creating and removing links between your Nodes. The glaring issue here now though is security of your data. You’ll notice at the top left of the Main View, where the Case Title is displayed, their is a red colored key button. This is warning us that our case data is not encrypted in the Intsuite Database and we should do something about this. Don’t worry, it’s very easy to encrypt your case data and in the next tutorial, we’ll walk you through how to do it.